A therapeutic bike from Van Raam


A therapeutic bike from Van Raam

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A therapeutic bike from Van Raam

For physically and/or mentally handicapped people, a therapeutic bike from Van Raam can (again) offer a lot of freedom of movement! Van Raam makes a adapted therapeutic bike for you, so that you can become and remain mobile. In the following you will get to know the Van Raam therapeutic bicycles and you will also learn more about aids, electric motors and experiences of people who have a Van Raam bicycle.

What is a therapeutic bike?

A therapeutic bike is a bicycle that promotes mobility and exercise. A therapy bike also belongs to the product group of mobility aids in the list of aids, but we will come back to this in the course of this article. Therapeutic bicycles have a variety of uses, as tricycles, recumbent bicycles or in special production. Options and accessories such as indicators, backrests and footrests can also have a decisive positive effect on your riding experience and style. These bikes do not only offer healthy reasons to ride them but also many positive aspects which can create a completely new attitude towards life!

Therapeutic bike Van Raam

  • Husky children therapeutic tricycle Van Raam
  • Maxi therapeutic tricycle Van Raam
  • Twinny Plus therapeutic tandem Van Raam
  • Kivo therapeutic tandem Van Raam
  • Fun2Go therapeutic duo bike Van Raam
  • Maxi comfort therapeutic low entry tricycle Van Raam
  • Easy Rider therapeutic tricycle Van Raam
  • Easy Rider Compact therapeutic tricycle Van Raam
  • Easy Sport therapeutic tricycle Van Raam
  • Easy Sport Small therapeutic tricycle Van Raam
  • Easy Go therapeutic scooter bike tricycle Van Raam
  • Activity of the arm and legs and trunk muscles
  • Promoting the equilibrium reactions
  • Stimulation of the cardiovascular system
  • Covering greater distances
  • Allow family excursions
  • Promotion of social integration by cycling with friends

Van Raam therapeutic bikes

Van Raam has different types of therapeutic bikes in the Van Raam assortment available. Besides the standard/traditional therapy tricycles for adults and children, Van Raam also offers comfort tricycles and recumbent tricycles with a comfortable seat and backrest. Furthermore, also include:

  • Tandems,

  • Tricycle tandems,

  • Low-entry bicycles

  • and a walking aid

Besides these bicycles, Van Raam also produces a wheelchair bicycle, a wheelchair transport bicycle and a rickshaw bicycle.

Adult therapeutic tricycles

Adults who cannot (any longer) ride an ordinary bicycle are looking for a good and safe alternative. The adult therapy bikes: Maxi, Easy Rider, Easy Rider Compact and Easy Sport  from Van Raam are particularly suitable for people who want extra support and stability when cycling. Read more about the Easy Rider in the 'The Easy Rider adaptive tricycle from Van Raam' article.

Maxi therapeutic tricycle Van Raam
Easy Rider therapeutic tricycle Van Raam
Easy Rider Compact therapeutic tricycle Van Raam
Easy Sport therapeutic tricycle Van Raam

Low step-in therapeutic bicycles

At Van Raam we have both a two and a three wheelers with a low entry, the Balance and Maxi Comfort. Both have a low and spacious entry and another special seating position that takes the strain off your neck, wrists and back. Furthermore, because the bottom bracket is placed forward, you can always touch the ground with both feet.

  • Safe and comfortable
  • Ergonomic seating position
  • Directly with both feet on the ground
  • More power through forward pedalling
Maxi comfort therapeutic low entry tricycle Van Raam

Therapeutic bike Maxi Comfort

A variation of the traditional tricycle, the Maxi Comfort.

Maxi Comfort

Balance therapeutic low entry bike Van Raam

Therapeutic bike Balance

The Balance is a two-wheeler with low entry and ergonomic seating position.


Easy Go therapeutic scooter bike tricycle Van Raam

Therapeutic scooter tricycle Easy Go

For people with changing energy levels, the 3 in 1 therapeutic bike is a bicycle, an e-bike with pedal support and mobility scooter in one. The Easy Go is:

  • Very agile
  • Compact
  • Can be used in different ways
  • Standard electrically equipped

Learn more about Easy Go on the product page by clicking on the button.

Easy Go

Tricycles with two front wheels and one rear wheel

For adults who want a "traditional tricycle" with two wheels in the back and one in the front, but have problems with estimating the width, there is a tricycle with two wheels in the front and one wheel in the back. This means that the rider always has a good view of whether he or she can drive through or past somewhere. This bike comes in two sizes, the Viktoria is the small version and the Viktor the larger.

  • Width easy to estimate
  • Deep entry
  • In two sizes

Tandem therapeutic bikes

With Van Raam tandems you can enjoy cycling together. Because of the low entrance height or the complete lack of an entrance as well as the various options, the tandems are often used with people who are no longer able to cycle independently. Van Raam offers different types of tandems that you can get to know better.

Fun2Go therapeutic duo bike Van Raam

Therapeutic bicycle Fun2Go tricycle tandem

The Fun2Go Duo bike  from Van Raam is a special tandem with three wheels. Because you sit on them side by side instead of behind each other, this bicycle is also called a parallel tandem. On the tricycle tandem, one person is responsible for steering and braking the bicycle. The passenger next to the rider can pedal along, but cannot steer or brake. Thanks to the duo bicycle trailer FunTrain from Van Raam, it is also possible to cycle with several people at the same time.

  • No entry
  • One person steers but both can pedal
  • Perfect attention to the front passenger

Side by side tandems

Therapeutic tandem Kivo and Kivo Plus

The Kivo is a two-wheeled child-parent tandem for one adult sitting in the back and one child sitting in the front. This way the child has a good view of the surroundings. The rider sitting in the back always has a good view of the child from behind. The Kivo has a deep entry and is therefore easy to use. It also has 8 gears and a switchable freewheel as standard. The tandem is also available with three wheels, so if you are looking for more stability when cycling, you should try the Kivo Plus. It has the same functions and advantages as the Kivo, but with three wheels instead of two.

  • Self-determination whether the child can or must pedal
  • Rear person steers
  • Deep entry for both persons

Therapeutic tandem Twinny and Twinny Plus

On the Twinny two-wheel tandem for two adults, ascending and descending is easy thanks to the spacious deep entry. More space has been created between the saddle of the person in front and the handlebars of the passenger, so you don't sit too close together. You can decide for yourself how you want to cycle together. With the optional switchable freewheel, you can decide whether and how your co-driver joins in. The tandem is also available with three wheels, the Twinny Plus. This is a tricycle tandem. It has the same functions and advantages as the Twinny, but with three wheels instead of two.

  • Front or rear steering
  • Adjustable frame height
  • Deep entry for both persons

Therapeutic kids bikes

Children who are provided with a therapeutic bicycle can learn a new way of leg movement in a playful way and of their own accord. Get to know our different children's therapeutic bikes, Husky, Mini, Midi, Easy Rider Compact Small and Easy Sport Small. Learn more about electric bikes for children in our article 'Electric tricycle for kids'.  Read  also more about therapeutic bikes for children in the article 'Van Raam therapeutic bike for children'.

To provide a sustainable and modern mobility for people with disabilities.

Raising money for a therapeutic bike

Imagine that you have found the ideal bike for you and/or your care institution, but you do not have the financial means to pay for the bike. Of course, that's a bit of a bummer. Fortunately, there are many different ways to pay for or collect money for your custom bike, we have put together some useful tips in the article 'Tips for raising money for a special needs bike'.

Tips for raising money

Therapeutic bike with pedal support and other options

All bikes that you have got to know can be equipped with the Van Raam pedal assistance system, which was crowned test winner. The system is easy to use and has a starting aid that gives you 10 seconds of extra support to get off the ground. A special and unique feature of the Van Raam system is that you can ride backwards with the pedal assist switched on.

Through the free Van Raam E-Bike App you can set a different support mode on your Van Raam bike. Read more about the electrical system and the app on the pedal assist page. Furthermore, all bikes can be equipped with many different options and accessories. For example, the Fun2Go with a rotatable seat.

See all options

Van Raam pedal assist silent smart display

Test ride and advice

At Van Raam in Varsseveld you can try out our therapy bikes yourself on Van Raam and the bike test track. But you can also try out all the other bikes in the Van Raam range. Together with a technical advisor, we will determine which bike suits you best. You can also try out a Van Raam bicycle at a Van Raam dealer near you. Plan your own test ride.

Free test ride

Get to know Van Raam

Van Raam offers people with a disability sustainable and contemporary mobility. Van Raam's vision is: if people with a disability can be mobile and independent for longer, they will be happier. Van Raam wants to contribute to the integration of people with disabilities into society. Let's all cycle!

About Van Raam

Experiences of users and their therapeutic bike

These special therapy bikes from Van Raam give you more independence in the everyday life. Shopping, going to the physio, visiting family or friends or spontaneous city visits were often only possible with help. Now they have the chance to do this (again) independently. Read such experiences first hand.

User experience tricycle for children Husky - Paula (mother of David)
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User experience tricycle for children Husky - Paula (mother of David)
Because of your beautiful product, David, our youngest son with light Cerebral Palsy, could participate with the bicycle parade in the district (Wijkfeest Zuidlanden 2018) this weekend. Participating is so important! The festivalparade was this year for the first time and all children had a decorated bicycle. David's Husky tricycle was in the theme that suits him best!
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User experience tricyce for children Mini - Mother of Duncan
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User experience tricyce for children Mini - Mother of Duncan
What do you wish for a cheerful and happy little boy who is in a wheelchair because of his disability? For Van Raam, the answer to this question is clear: a piece of contemporary mobility. At Van Raam, we believe that as long as people can stay mobile, they are happier. We are very happy with all the positive stories we hear from our end users. So it is good to hear that the cheerful and happy boy from the introduction can now enjoy cycling among his peers thanks to the children's tricycle Mini. Read in this article the user experience of the children's tricycle Mini told by the mother of Duncan.
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User experience tricycle Midi - Monique van Stuijvenberg
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User experience tricycle Midi - Monique van Stuijvenberg
I have been the proud owner of a Midi tricycle from Van Raam for 1,5 years now. One can say that I am in love with this bicycle. This I often say to people when they ask for my bicycle. And no, I am not insane!
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User experience tricycle for adults Maxi - Dominique van Steijn
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User experience tricycle for adults Maxi - Dominique van Steijn
I am now 18 years old and I am still very happy with my tricycle! Without my tricycle I would never have been able to cycle!
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User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Gunda Krauss
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User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Gunda Krauss
The life of the German Gunda Krauss has changed completely thanks to the electric tricycle Easy Rider. After Gunda had a hip replacement, she could no longer cycle on a ‘regular’ bike with two wheels. Her world become smaller by the day and at one point she even lost her zest for life. Her dream was to make a long bike ride once. It was a dream of Gunda to make a bike tour and this dream came true when she heard about the Easy Rider tricycle. This electric tricycle has changed the life of Gunda completely. Gunda had thought about giving up, but she is very happy that she kept going on. "Someone convinced me that you should not stop if you have a goal in mind. He was right, I know now, because there is always a way," says Gunda Krauss.
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customer experience tricycle easy rider leo kostwinder
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User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Leo Kostwinder
My name is Leo Kostwinder (64) and I live in Zwolle, the Netherlands. I have been a diabetes patient for over 30 years and in early 2016 I was diagnosed with progressive polyneuropathy *. Since then I am no longer allowed to drive or cycle. This news was difficult at the time, because as a hobby I regularly cycled tours with my racing bike. In addition, I went fishing occasionally. Because of my condition, I stopped working in April 2018.
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User experience recumbent trike Easy Sport - Jelle van Gorkom
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User experience recumbent trike Easy Sport - Jelle van Gorkom
Jelle van Gorkum, a Dutch BMX rider and winner of a silver medal at the Olympic Games in 2016, was seriously injured on the starting hill of the BMX track during his training in the beginning of 2018. This is due to a safety chain that has not been removed. Due to the accident, Jelle was in a coma for several weeks and he suffered from broken ribs, a fracture in the face, a skull fracture and internal injuries. At the moment of writing, Jelle lives in a rehabilitation centre in Arnhem, and follows an intensive rehabilitation process, in which our Easy Sport recumbent bike also plays a role.
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Customer experience Balance low step through bike - Paula Brommer
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Customer experience Balance low step through bike - Paula Brommer
I am Paula Brommer (47) and I live in Heerenveen, the Netherlands. I'm a mother of 2 children and work as a volunteer at Humanitas Thuisadministratie. I'm not really tall, namely 4.7 feet and I have asthma and fibromyalgia (a condition which you suffer from chronic pain in your muscles and connective tissue). Despite that, I would like to be active and not be classified as 'disabled', because you can't do much about it. In my spare time I like to cycle on my Balance low step through bike and enjoy the surroundings.
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User experience scooter bike Easy Go - Natascha van Leeuwen
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User experience scooter bike Easy Go - Natascha van Leeuwen
Natascha van Leeuwen (49) uses the Van Raam's mobility scooter bike Easy Go since February 2019. In 2014, Natascha heard that she has Parkinson's disease, because she still wants to keep her mobility and stay independent, she went looking for (and tries) different mobility aids. For example, during her daytime activity group she cycled on the Fun2Go side by side tandem, she tried the Maxi tricycle and she rode a mobility scooter. Eventually she concluded that the Easy Go mobility scooter bike suits her best. Read in this user experience the experiences of Natascha with her Easy Go.
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User experience Fun2Go double rider cycle - Collin Capozzi
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User experience Fun2Go double rider cycle - Collin Capozzi
Collin Capozzi (22) from Puurs, Belgium, has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but this doesn't stop him from cycling. In fact: Collin enjoys his bike rides enormously, it's his exhaust valve. Mother Paola tells more about Collin's experiences.
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User experience tricycle tandem Twinny Plus - Tessel and Mieke Klinkenberg
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User experience tricycle tandem Twinny Plus - Tessel and Mieke Klinkenberg
Hi, my name is Mieke Klinkenberg and I am the mother of Tessel Klinkenberg (22), she is my youngest daughter. Because of her downsyndrome Tessel can't cycle independently. She has never learned this and never really wanted to learn. Since childhood we have been cycling on a tandem and Tessel loves that very much!
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User experience child parent three-wheel tandem Kivo Plus - Antoinette Krol
8 / 10
User experience child parent three-wheel tandem Kivo Plus - Antoinette Krol
The Kivo Plus is a three-wheel tandem for a parent and a child. In the review below, Antoinette Krol talks about her experience with the Kivo Plus.
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Van Raam bikes for children with a disability

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