Privacy and Cookie Statement Van Raam Mobility B.V.

This privacy and cookie statement was last changed on 15 October 2024

Your privacy is of great importance to Van Raam Mobility B.V. (hereafter “Van Raam”). It is for this reason that we follow the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in the Netherlands (AVG). This means that we:

  • Clearly communicate the objectives before we process your personal data, via this privacy and cookie statement;

  • Keep as little personal data as possible and only save data that are needed for the stated objectives;

  • Explicitly ask for permission before processing your personal data, where permission is required by law;

  • Take all required safety measures to protect your data. We also require any third parties involved in processing personal data to do the same.

  • Respect your rights, these include the right to request your data, correct, or the right to remove any personal data or contact details you provided to Van Raam.

Processing of personal data:

In this privacy and cookie statement we explain what Van Raam does with information that is being gathered about you. In case you have any questions or would like to know what exactly we record, please contact Van Raam using the contact details that can be found at the end of this statement.
By using our services, our bikes with electrical pedal assist, and our website ( we gather different personal data about you. We also gather data in case you apply for work at Van Raam. For all our services, it is being stated which data we gather, what the objective is, and which retention period applies.


We offer services that help you. We are a manufacturer of unique special needs bikes. Van Raam's specialisations are tricycles, scooter bikes, tandems, side-by-side tandems, wheelchair bikes, transport bikes and low entry bikes or comfort bikes. Our bikes are all also available as electric bikes. To be able to deliver a bike through your dealer we use your name and contact details. We do this to execute the agreement. We keep this data until the service is delivered unless we must keep the data to comply with our (fiscal) legal obligation. For example, we are obliged to keep our tax records for 7 years


In order to be able to provide our services, we work together with suppliers. To do business with us as a supplier we use your (company) name, function and contact details. To receive deliveries and place new orders with suppliers, we need contact details of the persons working there. We have a legitimate interest in processing these contact details, otherwise it will be impossible for us to carry out the agreement with the supplier. We will of course not use these contact details for other purposes and will only keep them for as long as the supplier relationship exists, or you stop working at the supplier in question.

Test ride

You can request a free test ride at our premises. We use your name, place of residence, e-mail, phone number and preferred bike. We do this to execute the agreement: to give you a free test ride. We also ask if there are additional details to be considered, for example if you have trouble bending your left knee. The data you fill in in this case can be data concerning health. We will only use this data if you give us permission to do so. We will keep this data until the moment your test ride ends.

Find your dealer

We have different types of dealers. To find your (nearest) dealer (execution of the agreement) we use your postal code, city, and country. This data will not be stored.

The configurator module (configure your bike)

With our configurator module you can interactively configure a specific bike. To do this, we use your name, place of residence, e-mail address, information provided by you in the input fields and any enclosed attachment(s). We do this to be able to send you an overview of your completely configured bike via e-mail (execution of contract). This information is being stored until the moment we send you the overview and configuration.

The web shop module (ordering parts)

Dealers can order spare parts from us. To become a customer as a dealer you need to register first. For this purpose we use your (company) name, gender, address, place of residence, telephone number(s), fax number, country, Chamber of Commerce number, e-mail address, the information you enter in the fields and any enclosed attachments. We do this to create your account in which you can place orders (execution of the agreement). The information in your account will of course also be used for the completion of the order. We keep this information if your account exists unless we must keep the data to meet our (fiscal) legal obligation. For example, we are obliged to keep our tax records for 7 years.

Share your experience

Do you have a Van Raam bike, then you can share the experiences you have of using our products. We use your name, city, phone number, e-mail address, the description/experience you have filled in and any photos you have enclosed. With your permission we will publish your name, the product you have purchased, your photos and your experiences of our product on our website. We will retain this information until the experience is no longer relevant to website visitors, or until you have withdrawn your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

News items

We publish news articles via our website. If you are part of a news article we may use your information. We only do this if you have given us permission to do so. You can always withdraw your permission, in which case we will remove the article from our website.


Through our contact form you can ask us questions and requests. You can also call us and/or send us an e-mail. We will use your name, address, place of residence, e-mail address, telephone number and content of the message. We need these to process your contact request. We will retain this information until the contact request has been processed or, if a customer relationship arises from the contact request, for as long as the long as the customer relationship continues.

Job application

You can apply for a job at Van Raam. When you apply with us, we collect your name, gender, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, photo, address, work level, work and training experience, motivation, résumé, availability, references and any attachments and information you may have enclosed. We process this application data in preparation for the possible conclusion of an employment contract and - if you come to work for us - to be able to execute your employment contract.
A social media and Google search can be part of the application procedure. This is necessary to ensure that our image is maintained when hiring new staff. We do this based on our legitimate interests. For this purpose, we will search your name on Google and your profile on various social media channels. This of course as far as these profiles are public; we will not ask you to grant us access to a protected social media page or to make a connection with us. The results of the research will be discussed with you. If you object to this, you can indicate this by e-mail at the time of your application.
The personal details will be stored for a maximum of six (6) weeks after the position has been filled. We will retain this personal information so that we can contact you if the position becomes vacant again within the probationary period. If you give us permission to do so, we will retain your application details up to one year after the end of the application procedure. You can withdraw your permission at any time. We will then remove your personal data from our system.
If you come to work at Van Raam, we will keep your application data in your personnel file. After two years of employment, we will remove the application data from the personnel file.  

Smart batteries

We use smart batteries in our bikes. By simply using one of our e-bikes, we receive data about this use. The smart batteries contact the Van Raam Cloud every 12 hours. In the text below you will find an overview of the data we receive and for which purposes we use this data: 


Battery data and battery diagnostics, namely:

  • Current remaining capacity

  • Maximum capacity

  • Health (amount of energy the battery can store in %)

  • Charging cycles

  • Last date of contact with the Van Raam Cloud

  • Serial number

  • Battery type

  • Information about the differences in temperature between the sensors

  • Cell voltages

  • Information about the difference in voltage between the cells

  • Error messages (loggings) from the Battery Management System (BMS)

  • Production date  

  • Start date guarantee

Temperature of the battery

Frame number (this makes it possible to make a connection with the bicycle type, motor type and colour)

Cycling behaviour, that being:

  • Cycling speed

  • Cycling distances

  • Cycling quantity

Purposes and objectives

We use the data for the following purposes:

  • To be able to check if the smart battery is still fully functional.

  • To be able to give advice on maintenance/repairs where necessary.

  • Enabling the various functionalities of the end users and dealer apps and tools.

  • To unburden our dealers in the field of battery and bike maintenance.

  • Gain insight into the use and functioning of the smart batteries to further improve them.

We have a legitimate interest in using the data for the aforementioned purposes. In doing so, we have weighed our interest, the interest of the dealer, and your interest against your interest in the right to privacy.  The purposes are part of our normal business operations and constitute an interest. We take appropriate measures to protect your data. The data is processed in the Van Raam Cloud, a local secure cloud storage under our own management. Also the data will only be shared with the dealers to the extent that it is necessary for that dealer to view that data, by giving the dealer access to only the data that are important to them, via the dealer app/tool and/or web portal to the Van Raam Cloud.
If you object to the use of your data, you can always contact us. We will then reconsider the use of your data.

Retention period

Lifespan of the bike (approximately 12 years).


Location details

Purposes and objectives

We use your location details for the following purposes:

  • To use ‘find my bike’.

  • To trace the bike by the owner if a bike has been marked as stolen by the dealer at the owner's request.

  • To keep track of ridden routes, so that we can help you better, such as adding extra dealers in areas where there is a lot of cycling.

We only process the location data if you have given us permission to do so via the e-bike app. You can always withdraw your permission via the e-bike app or by contacting us.

Retention period

As long as the owner's account exists, or shorter if permission is revoked earlier.

E-bike app

We offer an e-bike app for our end users, which can be used with your Van Raam account. In the e-bike app you can register your smart battery. The data of the battery will then be linked to your data that we collect with the e-bike app. In this way you do not have to worry about your battery and bike maintenance. In addition, Van Raam offers various functionalities with the e-bike app. The text below you can read an overview of the data we receive and its intended use:  


Account details:

  • E-mail address

  • Password

Purposes and objectives

We use the data for the following purposes:

  • To enable the various functionalities of the e-bike app.

  • To offer an extended warranty period of one year.

  • In exceptional cases, we can help you with complications if you contact us directly.

We will process the data to execute the agreement you enter with us (to provide the services offered through the e-bike app).

Retention period

As long as the user account exists, after that the data will be deleted.


Personal data:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Place of residence

  • Date of birth

  • Gender

  • Language

  • Place of residence

  • SOS-number

  • Profile photo

  • Emergency number

Account related cycling behaviour and statistics:

  • Cycling speed

  • Cycling distances

  • Cycling quantity

  • Which modes, last activities (number of km and duration)

  • Comparisons over different periods

Technical data via the e-bike app:

  • GPS

  • Device manufacturer

  • Model and platform (OS),

  • Device number

  • Language

  • Filter information (data/period/specific bike or all bikes)

Cycling recipes
(A cycling recipe is a certain configuration of the bike on which the smart battery is mounted. Each bike has 4 standard recipes and in addition Van Raam or a dealer of Van Raam could create a specific recipe for you. The recipes can be uploaded to the battery via the e-bike app, by the dealer and/or yourself).Maintenance history:

  • Dealer

  • Date of reparations

  • Date of registration

  • Total distance travelled

  • Reason for maintenance

  • Remarks

  • Error counters (keeping track of complications)

  • Total distance driven per service

Dealer locator
(nearest dealer)

Purposes and objectives

We use the data for the following purposes:

  • To enable the various functionalities of the e-bike app.

  • To offer an extended warranty period of one year.

  • In exceptional cases, we can help you with complications if you contact us directly.

We will process the data to execute the agreement you enter with us (to provide the services offered through the e-bike app).

Retention period

As long as the user account exists, after that data will be anonymised. We have a legitimate interest in making the data anonymous instead of deleting it. We anonymise the data because of the need to map the functioning of the smart batteries and electric bikes over longer periods of time. Therefore, we wish to anonymise the data instead of deleting it. You can always contact us if you object to the use of your data. We will reconsider the anonymisation.


Advisory notifications

Purposes and objectives

We use the data for the following purpose:

  • Sending advisory notifications. In an advisory notification you can read advice about the use, maintenance and service of a battery / bike. For example, advice to charge the battery, or because of temperature store at a different location and/or to do maintenance.

Retention period

As long as the user accounts exists, or sooner if permission is revoked.

Dealer app, dealer web portal and dealer tool

Dealers can use a dealer app, dealer web portal and dealer tool specifically designed for their use. The data from the smart batteries, the e-bike app and the customers’ web portal are linked to the information entered by the dealers in the dealer app, dealer tool and dealer web portal. The table below shows an overview of the data we receive from the dealer and its intended use:


Battery number and bike information (of smart batteries/bikes purchased by the dealer)

Purposes and objectives

We use this data for the following purposes:

  • To give advice regarding the battery to the dealer and to offer support in case of problems (remote diagnosis) on the dealer’s request.

  • To relieve the dealer in the field of battery and bike maintenance, and to send notifications on required maintenance of the smart batteries.

  • Block a battery from a bicycle marked as stolen, and as a result retrieving the location of the battery once every five minutes for the purpose of tracing the bicycle by its owner.

We have a legitimate interest in using the data for the aforementioned purposes. Hereby, we have weighed our interest, the interest of the dealer and the interest of the customer in the right to privacy. The purposes are part of our usual business operations and constitute an interest. We take appropriate measures to protect our data. The data is processed in the Van Raam Cloud, a local secure cloud storage under our own management. Also, the data will only be shared with the dealers if it is necessary for that dealer to view the data. We only give the dealer access to the data (via the dealer app/tool and/or web portal) that are important to the dealer. If you object to the use of your data, you can always contact us. We will reconsider the use of your data.

Retention period

As long as the customers’ account exists. After that data will be deleted.


Maintenance history

  • Dealer

  • Date of reparation

  • Date of registration

  • Total distance travelled

  • Reason for maintenance

  • Remarks

Whether a bike is marked as stolen yes/no

Purposes and objectives

We use this data for the following purposes:

  • To give advice regarding the battery to the dealer and to offer support in case of problems (remote diagnosis) on the dealer’s request.

  • To relieve the dealer in the field of battery and bike maintenance, and to send notifications on required maintenance of the smart batteries.

  • Block a battery from a bicycle marked as stolen, and as a result retrieving the location of the battery once every five minutes for the purpose of tracing the bicycle by its owner.

We have a legitimate interest in using the data for the aforementioned purposes. Hereby, we have weighed our interest, the interest of the dealer and the interest of the customer in the right to privacy. The purposes are part of our usual business operations and constitute an interest. We take appropriate measures to protect our data. The data is processed in the Van Raam Cloud, a local secure cloud storage under our own management. Also, the data will only be shared with the dealers if it is necessary for that dealer to view the data. We only give the dealer access to the data (via the dealer app/tool and/or web portal) that are important to the dealer. If you object to the use of your data, you can always contact us. We will reconsider the use of your data.

Retention period

As long as the customers’ account exists, after that data will be anonymised. We have a legitimate interest in making the data anonymous instead of deleting it. We anonymise the data because of the need to map the functioning of the smart batteries and electric bikes over longer periods of time. Therefore, we wish to anonymise the data instead of deleting it. You can always contact us if you object to the use of your data. We will reconsider the anonymisation.


Company information and contact details (this concerns the company information and contact details of the dealers)

Purposes and objectives

We process the data for the execution of the contract which the dealer enters with Van Raam (to provide the services offered to dealers via the dealer app, dealer web portal and dealer tool).

Retention period

As long as the dealers have a relationship with Van Raam and for at least seven years thereafter (necessary for compliance with fiscal legal obligations).

Provision to other companies or institutions (third parties)

It may happen that we provide your personal information to other companies or institutions (third parties) because:

  • We have requested them to process certain data;

  • It is necessary to carry out the agreement with you;

  • You have given permission;

  • We have a legitimate interest in doing so;

  • We are legally obliged to do so (e.g. if the police demand in case of suspicion of a crime).

The following types of third parties process your personal data:

  • Our hosting provider

  • Out IT service providers

  • The Strava app

  • Our dealers

You can choose to link your Van Raam account to Strava (by clicking on ‘export’) to share the information of your location. We only share this information once and only if you give us permission to do so. Please note! The services are operated from the United States. Strava is not Privacy Shield certified and the privacy laws of the United States may be less protective.
We share data collected through the smart batteries with our dealers by making it available through the dealer app, dealer web portal and dealer tool. We have made agreements with the dealers on how to handle your data in a data exchange agreement. The table below shows an overview of the data in the data exchange agreement. The table below shows an overview of the data we share with our dealers:


Battery data and battery diagnostics, namely:

  • Current remaining capacity

  • Maximum capacity

  • Health (Amount of energy in % that the battery can store)

  • Charging cycles

  • Last date of contact with the Van Raam Cloud

  • Serial number

  • Battery type

  • Information about the differences in temperature between the sensors

  • Cell voltages

  • Information about the difference in voltage between the cells

  • Error messages (loggings) from the Battery Management System (BMS)

  • Production date and warranty start date

  • Current remaining capacity

  • Maximum capacity

  • Health (Amount of energy in % that the battery can store)

  • Charging cycles

  • Last date of contact with the Van Raam Cloud

  • Serial number

  • Battery type

  • Information about the differences in temperature between the sensors

  • Cell voltages

  • Information about the difference in voltage between the cells

  • Error messages (loggings) from the Battery Management System (BMS)

  • Production date and warranty start date

Battery temperature

Advice notification

Whether a bicycle is marked as stolen yes/no

Purposes and objectives

We share the data with dealers for the following purposes:

  • Supporting dealers in the maintenance and repair of smart batteries and thus offering service to end-users.

  • Providing access to the maintenance history of the smart batteries and keeping it up to date.

  • Making it possible, at the request of the end-user, to mark a bicycle/battery as stolen or to remove this marking.

  • Making it possible to load or change bike recipes on the bicycle.

We have a legitimate interest in sharing the data with our dealers for the purposes mentioned above. In doing so, we have weighed our interest, the interest of the dealer and your interest as well as your right to privacy. The goals are part of our normal business operations and form an interest. We take appropriate measures to protect your data. The data is processed in the Van Raam Cloud, a local secure cloud storage under our own management. Also, the data will only be shared with the dealers to the extent that it is necessary for that dealer to view that data, by giving the dealer access to only the data that is important to them, via the dealer app/tool and/or web portal to the Van Raam Cloud. If you object to the use of your data, you can always contact us. We will ten reconsider the use of your data.


Maintenance history, namely:

  • Dealer

  • Repair date

  • Registration date

  • Total distance travelled

  • Reason for maintenance

  • Remarks

Purposes and objectives

We share maintenance history with the dealer where the smart battery/bike was purchased based on our legitimate interests (see purposes and objectives in this table). We can share the maintenance history with all dealers Van Raam works with, you can visit them for service or dealers can use this information to improve their maintenance and service. We will only do this if you have given us permission to do so. You can always revoke your permission via the E-Bike App or by contacting us.


We use cookies on this website. A cookie is a small file that is sent with pages of this website and stored by your web browser on the hard drive of your device. The information stored in it can be sent back to our servers the next time you visit us.
Our website uses the following types of cookies: 

  • Functional cookies

These cookies are used to ensure that certain parts of the website work properly and to store the preferences you have specified. An example of this is managing functions such as fonts.

  • Analytical cookies

These cookies are used to provide insight in how you use our website. By means of these cookies we can, for example, see which (sub)pages you visit and how long your visit to our website lasts. We then use these insights to improve the website’s functionality and make it more user-friendly.
When you visit our website for the first time, we display a message with an explanation about the cookies. We will ask you to agree to the use of these cookies. The table below gives an overview of the cookies we use:

CookieCategoryEntity GoalTypeRetention period
Google Tag ManagerFunctionalGoogle LLC, United States Privacy Shield Privacy Statement*Manages tags on the website so that they are correctly indicated.Https-cookiesession
Google AnalyticsAnalyticalGoogle LLC, United States Privacy Shield Privacy Statement**These cookies are placed to gain insight into visitor behaviour and to improve the user experience. The information we collect, will be transmitted to, and stored by Google on servers in the United States together with the address of your computer (IP address). The last part of the IP address is masked. Google is Privacy Shield certified. This means that appropriate precautions have been taken to protect your privacy. We have set Google Analytics to privacy friendly, which means that we have made agreements about the processing of the collected data and use the obtained information for other Google services. However, Google may provide information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to do so, or to the extent that these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. We have no further influence on this.Https-cookieMaximum of 2 years
HotjarAnalyticalHotjar, Malta Privacy Statement***We use this service to track and get reports on how visitors use the website.Http-cookie1 year
PingdomFunctionalPingdom AB.To see if, when and how long the website is live or goes down.HTML,http-code1 month
PinterestPinterest, United States Privacy Shield****To see traffic coming to and from Pinterest.Http-code

*Google Tag Manager Privacy Shield

**Google Analytics Privacy Shield

***Hotjar, Maltan Privacy Statement

****Pinterest Privacy Shield

Enabling and disabling cookies

You can disable the placing of the cookies via your browser, by doing so some options on our website will no longer work properly. For more information about enabling, disabling and deleting cookies, please follow the instructions and/or use your browser’s Help function.

Social media buttons

We use social media buttons on our website. By clicking these, you are redirected to the relevant social media networks. This gives visitors the option to share content within their own network. Social media buttons are active because of bits of code that originate from the social media networks. We have no influence on this and no permission for using these is required. We advise you to read the privacy statement of these websites before using them:

The information is transferred to and stored by Facebook, X, Pinterest, Instagram, or YouTube on servers in the United States. These parties adhere to Privacy Shield principles and are affiliated with the United States Department of Commerce Privacy Shield program. This means that there is an adequate level of protection for the processing of any personal data.


Security of personal data is very important to us. We ensure that your personal data is properly secured with us. We always adjust the security and pay close attention to possible threats.

Changes to this Privacy and Cookie Statement

When our website changes, we of course must also change the Privacy and Cookie Statement. So always pay attention to the date above and check regularly for new versions.

Your rights

If you have any questions or want to know what personal information, we have about you, you can always contact us. See the contact details below.
You have the following rights:

  • Right of inspection: you have the right to inspect the data we process about you.

  • Right of rectification: you have the right to correct or update the personal data we process about you if it is incorrect or incomplete.

  • Right to revoke your consent: you can always easily revoke your consent.

  • Right of objection: you can object to the processing of your personal data.

  • Right of removal: you can ask us to remove your personal data.

  • Right to transferability of data: if it is technically possible, you have the right to have the personal data we process about you transferred to a third party.

  • Right to restrict processing: In some cases, you may request that we (temporarily) limit the processing of your personal data, which means that we will process less of your data.

At your request, we may ask you to identify yourself. To do this, we request data to ensure that you are the right person to whom the personal data belongs.
In general, we will comply with your request within 30 days. However, this period may be extended for reasons relating to the specific rights of data subjects or the complexity of the request. If we extend this period, we will inform you in a timely manner.

Filing a complaint

If you feel that we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to file a complaint with the privacy supervisor. For the Netherlands, this is called the Personal Data Authority

Contact details

 Van Raam Mobility B.V.
Guldenweg 23, 7051 HT Varsseveld
E-mail address:
Phone number: +31 (0)315 257 370
KvK-number: 09091449