Cycling with a brain disorder


Cycling with a brain disorder

Tips \ Disabilities
Van Raam
Cycling with a brain disorder

Nearly 1 in 6 of world’s population suffer from neurological disorders, according to a UN report. Neurological disorders are, for example, Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, strokes, multiple sclerosis and brain injuries, depression, autism and neuroinfections. All these disorders have a major impact on the patient's life. Where people used to be mobile and independent, it is sometimes difficult to accept that walking around with the dog is sometimes no longer possible. At Van Raam, we work every day on the mobility of our fellow human beings, and we ensure that people with a disability can stay mobile and independently for as long as possible. We also do this for people with a brain disorder. It is therefore good to hear that people with a brain disorder can still remain mobile, because of our special needs bicycles. In this article you can find more information about what we can do for people with a brain disorder.

Remain mobile with a brain disorder

Your brain is the most complicated organ of a human body. The brain ensures that your body is controlled properly. Your brain controls movement, feeling, behavior, breathing and blood pressure, among other things. As soon as a disorder occurs in your brain, it can happen that one of these parts is disrupted. People can, for example, suffer from balance problems, coordination problems or people can no longer move their arms or legs

Due to balance problems and the ability to move your arms and / or legs less easily and quickly, cycling on a standard bike with two wheels becomes a challenge. You can react less quickly, and you might be afraid of falling.
If you still want to go out on your own, there are various ways to do this. For example, you can look at a mobility scooter, an adaptive tricycle or a combination of both; our mobility scooter bike Easy Go. The advantage of a tricycle is that you keep moving and that is healthy for your body and mind. Read more about the benefits of cycling in the article '10 reasons why cycling is healthy'.

cycling with a brain disorder
Your brains are very important for you mobility

Cycling independently with a brain disorder

Balance problems, coordination problems and mobility problems are symptoms that we regularly hear at Van Raam from people with a brain disorder. Cycling is becoming a challenge and people can become insecure about this. In many cases an extra wheel can offer just that security that a bike with two wheels lacks. At Van Raam we have different types of tricycles with different characteristics. If you would like to cycle independently, the options below may be of interest to you.

  • Midi tricycle cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Midi tricycle

    The Midi tricycle is suitable for children or smaller adults. With the three wheels you have extra support and stability while cycling

    View the Midi
  • Maxi tricycle cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Maxi tricycle

    A traditional tricycle for adults because of the three wheels you can sit on your bike if you are waiting at the traffic lights.

    View the Maxi
  • Maxi Comfort tricycle cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Tricycle Maxi Comfort

    The low entry makes it easy to get on the Maxi Comfort. This option offers a solution for people who have difficulty raising their legs.

    View the Maxi Comfort
  • Easy Rider tricycle cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Tricycle Easy Rider

    It has a unique frame with low step through and a stable lower sitting position. The low centre of gravity, seating with a back support and steering in front give the rider a safe and secure feeling.

    View the Easy Rider
  • Van Raam Easy Rider Compact tricycle

    Tricycle Easy Rider Compact

    The Easy Rider Compact features a compact design with a low entry and a lower center of gravity, ensuring a stable and comfortable riding experience for small adults.

    View Easy Rider Compact
  • Easy Sport tricycle cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Recumbent trike Easy Sport

    This recumbent trike has ergonomic seating, with adjustable seat height and the seat angle ensures optimum support. The frame suspension guarantees extra comfort.

    View the Easy Sport
  • Viktor tricycle cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Tricycle Viktor

    This tricycle is specially designed for people who have difficulty estimating the width of a tricycle, hence the two wheels on the front.

    View the Viktor
  • Viktoria tricycle cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Tricycle Viktoria

    This tricycle is specially designed for smaller people who have difficulty estimating the width of a tricycle, hence the two wheels on the front.

    View the Viktoria
  • Easy Go scooterbike cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Scooter bike Easy Go

    The Easy Go scooter bike is a bicycle, e-bike and a mobility scooter in one. If you have a fluctuating energy level, this can be a good option.

    View the Easy Go

Cycling together with a brain disorder

If, due to a brain disorder, you are no longer able to cycle independently, even with a tricycle, there is still the option of cycling together on a special bicycle. At Van Raam we have various bikes for multiple persons, including tandems for adults and children, tandems for two adults, wheelchair bikes and a tandem where you can cycle next to each other.

  • Twinny tandem cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam


    Tandem for adults with two wheels. You can use the optional switchable freewheel  to determine whether and how the passenger pedals.

    View the Twinny
  • Twinny Plus tandem cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Twinny Plus

    Tandem for adults with three wheels. With this tandem, it is also possible to turn the position of the driver and the passenger around.

    View the Twinny Plus
  • Kivo tandem cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam


    The Kivo is a child-parent tandem with a grown-up sitting behind and a child sitting in front. The child can get a good view of the environment.

    View the Kivo
  • Kivo Plus tandem cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam

    Kivo Plus

    The Kivo Plus is a child-parent tricycle tandem with a grown-up sitting behind and a child sitting in front. The child can get a good view of the environment. 

    View the Kivo Plus
  • Fun2Go side-by-side tandem cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam


    A three-wheel tandem, in which the users sit beside each other. One person steers, both can pedal. The two persons have a good view and can communicate well with each other due to the seats being next to each other.

    View the Fun2Go
  • FunTrain side-by-side tandem cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam


    Duo bike trailer behind the duo bike which can be attached behind an existing or new Fun2Go side by side tandem. Suitable for a helper who want to cycle with several people at the same time.

    View the FunTrain
  • OPair wheelchair bike cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam


    The OPair is a wheelchair bike with which you can transport a wheelchair user. A seat for the wheelchair user/passenger is affixed to the front of the bike.

    View the OPair
  • VeloPlus Wheelchair bike cycling with a brain disorder Van Raam


    The VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike is designed for transporting people, who can remain seated in their own wheelchair, by cycle. 

    View the VeloPlus

Options for special needs bikes

Every Van Raam bicycle is unique and is fully adapted to the wishes of the end user. We have various options in our assortment that will make cycling easier. The options below offer a solution for, among other things, the difficulty of moving your limbs (fast) and for reducing strength.

  • Mirrors; to look behind you safely without having to turn around completely.

  • Direction indicators; you can safely keep your hands on the wheel and do not have to lift your arm.

  • Floating pedal; if you can only make the pedaling movement with 1 leg and not with the other leg, it is still possible to keep cycling.

  • Lower leg fixation; This option prevents the lower leg from falling left or right

  • More options; View our page with the options for all the possibilities.

Options special needs bikes Van Raam
Every Van Raam bicycle is unique due to the different options

Experiences about cycling with a brain disorder

We think it is important to hear the experiences of end users about our adapted bicycles. By starting a conversation with Van Raam bicycle users, we learn even more about our adapted bicycles. We can use this information to make our bikes as optimal as possible.

On our user experiences page you can already read several reviews about Van Raam bikes. Among these end users, people with a brain disorder also tell their story, both people with a congenital and non-congenital brain disorder. Despite the fact that they can no longer cycle on a regular bike with two wheels, it is nice to hear that these people can still be mobile and independent with their tricycle. Read the stories of these end users and find out how they experience a modified bicycle.

User experience recumbent trike Easy Sport - Gitty Verbaal
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User experience recumbent trike Easy Sport - Gitty Verbaal
I have been happy with my Easy Sport from Van Raam for 6 years now. Before that, I always cycled on a conventional two-wheel bike with coaster brake. Unfortunately, that changed eight years ago. I got more and more pain in my joints and cycling was more and more difficult. The moment of realisation came when I fell with my bike. This happened right in front of a car. The driver wasn’t happy with this and it became clear to me that cycling was no longer possible in this way.
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User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Koos and Lina Nieuwenhuizen
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User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Koos and Lina Nieuwenhuizen
At the end of June, my wife and I saw by coincidence a flag from Van Raam in Waalwijk, the Netherlands. It turned out that Van Raam was there with a stand during the Medipoint Eropuit Days. Peter Cijs, representative of Van Raam, was also present at this stand, with whom we had a chat. My wife has been cycling on the adapted tricycle Easy Rider for a year now, so we were already familiar with the brand. When Peter Cijs asked if we wanted to contribute to a user experience, I agreed, but I have indicated that I am critical.
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Customer experience scooter bike Easy Go - Astrid van der Plank
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Customer experience scooter bike Easy Go - Astrid van der Plank
I am Astrid van der Plank (44) and I own the Easy Go scooter bike since July 2018. I use a scooter bike because I have Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 28 (SCA28). SCA28 is a rare chronic neurological disease that, among other things, causes balance and coordination problems. When I could no longer cycle on a bike with two wheels, because I fell continuously, I started looking at alternatives. I tried several Van Raam bikes, but nowadays I am happy to use my scooter bike Easy Go.
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Customer experience tricycle Midi Rosita Rampertaap
9 / 10
Customer experience tricycle Midi - Rosita Rampertaap
My name is Rosita Rampertaap, I’m 34 years old and I live in Brummen. For years I have a tricycle made by Van Raam. I have the Midi model, since I'm not that big. I have this because of my handicap. As a result of a Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy, my balance is disturbed, which means that I cannot cycle on a regular bicycle.
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User experience recumbent trike Easy Sport - Bernard van Maele
9 / 10
User experience recumbent trike Easy Sport - Bernard van Maele
I have been in possession of an Easy Sport for about a month now and I want to let you know that I am very satisfied. The bike is very well adjustable on my body and I feel absolutely safe with it.
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User experience tricycle for Adults Easy Rider - Krista Pool
9 / 10
User experience tricycle for Adults Easy Rider - Krista Pool
My name is Krista Pool. I am 39 years old and I live together. Through the WMO (Social Support Act in the Netherlands) I own the Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle for adults since the beginning of 2017.
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Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle – Diederik Wierenga
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Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle – Diederik Wierenga
Diederik (46) was hit by a brain infarction in 2009, which reduced his strength on the right side and damaged his balance. Van Raam asked a number of ardent Easy Rider cyclists if they wanted to test the third generation Easy Rider for feedback. Diederik was one of these test riders. Read his findings about the Easy Rider tricycle in this customer experience.
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User experience scooter bike Easy Go Van Raam Ankie van den Bosch
9 / 10
Customer experience scooter bike Easy Go - Ankie van den Bosch
When they discovered I have Multiple Sclerosis* in 2000, I already had an e-bike for several years. Because my strength and energy continued to decrease, cycling became unsafe and I became insecure. It became difficult to get out of the car, to get away at a traffic light or to brake. And all this began to demand a lot of effort in traffic. I got scared when the wind was very strong. I avoided bridges and dunes.
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Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle from Brigitte van der Laan
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Customer experience tricycle for adults Easy Rider - Brigitte van der Laan
In 2012 had surgery to remove my brain tumor. It has partially been removed. Post-surgery I have been suffering from sequelae. To me this means that I experience difficulty talking and controlling the left side of my body and I have balance issues.
Read this customer experience

Free test ride with technical adviser

Are you considering purchasing a special needs bicycle? At Van Raam it is possible to schedule a test ride with one of our technical advisors without obligation. During this test ride, we will determine which bike is your match and the bike will be completely customized. It is also possible to test on the various Van Raam bicycle models.

You can visit our showroom in Varsseveld. Is Varsseveld to far away or is it difficult to come to us? If you visit our dealer page you can see which Van Raam dealer is close to you.

Plan a test ride

Free test ride on adapted bicycle in showroom Van Raam Varsseveld
Our technical advisers are happy to help you.

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Cycling with Parkinson's disease with Van Raam special needs bicycles

Cycling with Parkinson's disease

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Discover the 8 advantages of the Fun2Go side-by-side tandem

Cycling with Huntington’s disease

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