Customer Experiences

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Every day, Van Raam receives kind messages from its users. We'd like to share some of these messages with you so that we can show you the many possibilities of using a custom bike. Do you have a Van Raam bike yourself, or have you ever ridden one of our bikes and would you like to share your experience? Then fill out our customer experience form.

See below for various customer experiences:

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30 Customer experiences
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Customer experience Easy Sport recumbent trike Alberts

Customer experience Easy Sport recumbent trike - Alberts

9 / 10

Nicole Alberts

Nicole cannot cycle any more due to physical complaints, whereas she used to cycle a lot. She can now cycle again thanks to the Easy Sport recumbent trike. Read the story of Nicole here.

Customer experience electric tricycle Easy Rider - Van Beek

Customer experience electric tricycle Easy Rider - Erna van Beek

9.5 / 10

Erna van Beek

Erna van Beek has Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), which causes her to have various limitations. For some time she used a mobility scooter, until she got the opportunity to use an Easy Rider electric tricycle. Read the interview with Erna here.

Customer experience Balance low entry bicycle - Susie Jolink

Customer experience Balance low entry bicycle - Susie Jolink

9.5 / 10

Susie Jolink - Roerade Fietsen BV

When Susie is diagnosed with avascular necrosis, Susie is dealt a huge blow. She can no longer walk and is bound to her wheelchair. Despite not being able to cycle for a long time, she does not give up. She has a clear goal in mind: "I would like to ride my bicycle again."

Customer experience Easy Rider e tricycle - Van der Linden

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Geert van der Linden

9 / 10

Geert van der Linden

Geert van der Linden has had 3 strokes and therefore has difficulty walking and cannot drive a car. For several months he has the Easy Rider e tricycle, which is a godsend for him. Soon he will join a group of Van Raam cyclists on a bike ride from Hoek van Holland to Scheveningen.

customer experience easy sport recumbent trike gre

Customer experience Easy Sport recumbent trike - Gre

9 / 10

Gre - Bikestore Den Helder

Gre (62 years old) had a cerebral hemorrhage 6 years ago, which caused her to deal with balance disorders. Recently she purchased the Easy Sport recumbent trike for adults which she tries to use every day. In this customer experience Gre tells more about her experiences with the Easy Sport.

Customer experience Maxi Comfort low entry bike - Gerda Feteris

Customer experience Maxi Comfort low entry bike - Gerda Feteris

9 / 10

Gerda Feteris

My name is Gerda Feteris (67) and I live with my husband in Gelselaar (the Netherlands). Gardening and cycling are my biggest hobbies. I used to cycle on a normal e-bike, but I couldn't get on and off anymore. This made me feel insecure and I hadn't cycled in a while, so my husband and I went in search of a special needs bike.

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Gerbrand Voorn

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Gerbrand Voorn

9 / 10

Gerbrand Voorn - Medipoint | Evean | Alkmaar

Van Raam regularly receives e-mails from customers with a Van Raam special needs bike. Read in this customer experience the e-mail from Gerbrand Voorn, who has an Easy Rider 2.

Customer experience Fun2Go duo bike Rinus de Korte

Customer experience Fun2Go duo bike – Rinus de Korte

10 / 10

Rinus de Korte

Rinus de Korte recently visited Van Raam, together with his wife Willy. Since a while they have a Fun2Go duo bike in use, on which they even cycled about 2400 km. Rinus told us about the beautiful bike rides they made and how much fun they have with the duo bike. They love to share these experiences with you!

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle – Sandra Zuiderwijk

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle – Sandra Zuiderwijk

9 / 10

Sandra Zuiderwijk

My name is Sandra Zuiderwijk, I live in Leidschendam and I have a Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle. I love cycling and walking, although sometimes that's difficult. I have had a cerebral infarction which has left me with a right-sided paralysis, fortunately I can manage myself reasonably well.

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