pedal assistance or not on a Van Raam bike


A Van Raam bike with or without pedal assist?

Tips \ Pedal assist
Van Raam
pedal assistance or not on a Van Raam bike

Pedal assistance is possible on almost all Van Raam bicycles. Are you unsure whether or not you should have an electric motor installed on your bike? Then read this article in which we list the factors that play a role in deciding whether or not you want pedal assistance.

Are you unsure about pedal assistance?

For some people, pedal assist on a bicycle is a godsend. But when do you choose for pedal assistance, an e-bike, and when not? This depends on several factors. We list the three most important factors in this article: the condition of the cyclist, the cycling goal, and financial resources.

hesitate about pedal assistance on a custom bike

Condition of the cyclist

People with physical limitations and/or a limited physical condition can benefit greatly from a bicycle with pedal assistance. Cycling with an electric motor requires less effort. People who are in good shape usually do not need pedal assistance to cycle.

the condition of the cyclist plays a part in the choice of whether or not to use pedal assistance

The cycling goal

One consideration for choosing pedal assistance or not is the cycling goal. Do you want to cycle long distances, or just short trips? For longer distances, for example as a replacement for a car, pedal assistance can be a great solution. With pedal assistance, you can cycle longer distances more easily without much effort. For shorter distances, if you are in good shape, pedal assistance is less interesting.

the cycling purpose is a factor for whether or not to choose pedal assistance

Financial resources

A bicycle with an electric motor is more expensive than a bicycle without pedal assistance. Therefore, cost can be an important factor in deciding whether or not to buy a bicycle with pedal assistance.

Would you like a bicycle with pedal assistance, but is the financial aspect a problem for you? Read the article 'Tips for raising money for a special needs bike'. You may find some opportunities here that can help you finance a bike with electric motors.
See how much pedal assistance costs on a Van Raam bicycle on the price list, which you can find on the product page of the bicycle.

financial resources play a role in choice of pedal assistance on an adapted bicycle

Tip: Retrofitting pedal assistance

Did you know that in many cases it is possible to retrofit the Van Raam electrical system if you already have a Van Raam bicycle? For all new models of Van Raam bicycles (which can be equipped with pedal assistance), it is possible to have the bicycle equipped with pedal assistance at a later date. 

Van Raam pedal assistance

Did you know that the pedal assistance system itself was developed by Van Raam for its adapted bicycles? The award-winning Silent system has several advantages:

  • Simple to use
  • Smart E-bike (with Van Raam app)
  • Starting aid
  • Powerful and silent motors
  • Centrally controlled lighting
  • 3 pedal assistance modes

Read more about the benefits of pedal assistance in the article '6 benefits of pedal assistance on an adapted bicycle'.

Benefits of pedal assistance

Testing pedal assistance during a test ride

Are you curious whether a adapted bicycle with pedal assistance is something for you? During a test ride at Van Raam or one of our dealers, you can try out a adapted bicycle with pedal assistance. You will also receive free expert advice from one of our technical advisors. You can easily plan a test ride via the online planner.

Plan a test ride

Test ride a bicycle with pedal assistance at Van Raam
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Van Raam

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