Van Raam on a trade mission to the United Stated Queen Maxima


Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States

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Van Raam on a trade mission to the United Stated Queen Maxima

Technical Director Jan-Willem Boezel and Sales & Marketing Manager Marnix Kwant went on a trade mission to the state of California in the United States in September 2022. Queen of the Netherlands, Queen Máxima, was also present during this mission. Read more in this article.

The themes: Urban mobility and Life Sciences & Health

The trade mission focused on the themes of Urban mobility and Life Sciences & Health and the strengthening and renewing of economic partnerships.

During the four-days long trade mission, several meetings were organized on the themes of mobility, health, sustainability, and urbanization, which is a hot topic for both the Netherlands and California.

An important part of this is cycling. Cycling is sustainable and good for your health. Making cities ‘bicycle-friendly’ is an important topic for cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States Fun2Go side-by-side tandem Venice Beach Los Angeles
Marnix Kwant on the left and on the right Jan-Willem Boezel. They are on the Fun2Go duo bike in Venice Beach, Los Angeles.

Van Raam with Queen Máxima and Dutch ministers to California

Van Raam and other Dutch entrepreneurs participated in the trade mission together with Queen Máxima and Dutch ministers Robbert Dijkgraaf, Lientje Schreinemacher, Ernst Kuipers and Vivianne Heijnen, among others.

The trade mission was organized by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, the Dutch consulate in San Francisco and the NBSO (Netherlands Business Support Office) in close cooperation with the ministries of Foreign Affairs, Welfare and Sport, Infrastructure and Water Management.

The Dutch Economic Network in the United States, the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW) and MKB-Nederland (‘SME-Netherlands’) and other relevant branch organisations were also involved.

Queen Máxima and Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States

Cycling is sustainable and good for your health. It was therefore an important part of the mission.

Lots of inspiration and great contacts

An interesting and challenging programme was set up during the trade mission. For instance, educational meetings took place. But there were also several receptions in, among others, San Francisco’s City Hall, at the home of the Dutch television producer Reinout Oerlemans in Beverly Hills and a visit was made to the famous Venice Beach in Los Angeles.

A lot of inspiration was gained, and new and great contacts were made that can help Van Raam build awareness of Van Raam’s special needs bikes in the United States.

  • Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States City Hall San Francisco
  • Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States Queen Máxima
  • Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States reception Queen Máxima
  • Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States Easy Rider tricycle
  • Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States Olympic stadium Los Angeles Marnix Kwant with VeloPlus wheelchair bike
  • Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco Jan Willem Boezel and Marnix Kwant
  • Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States San Francisco
  • Van Raam on a trade mission to the United States Queen Máxima and ministers
  • Van Raam and Queen Maxima on a trade mission to the United States

Van Raam member of Dutch Cycling Embassy

The Dutch Cycling Embassy was also present at this trade mission. Van Raam has been a member of this organisation since 1 September 2022. The Dutch Cycling Embassy is a public-private network for sustainable, and bicycle inclusive mobility. The initiative aims to promote cycling abroad. They do this for foreign parties as an intermediary for Dutch knowledge on cycling and the Dutch parties that have this knowledge. They offer knowledge, experience and experts provided by private companies, NGOs, research institutions, national and local governments. Read more on the Dutch Cycling Embassy website.

Dutch Cycling Embassy

Van Raam member Dutch Cycling Embassy logo

Special needs bikes from Van Raam

The topic of cycling was an important part of the trade mission. To make cycling accessible to as many people as possible, Van Raam produces special needs bicycles. Because Van Raam believes that when people are mobile and independent for longer, they are happier. With the special needs bicycles in its range, Van Raam wants to contribute to this. Below you can see the complete range of Van Raam’s special needs bicycles:

Our bikes

tricycles van raam
wheelchair bikes van raam
Why is there no stand on a 3 wheeled bike Van Raam Twinny two wheel tandem
side by side tandems van raam
low step through bikes van raam
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transport bikes van raam
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Van Raam

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