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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
About Van Raam
Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
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User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Sandra Kranenburg

My name is Sandra, I am 47 years old and since January 2019 cycling has become a hobby for me again. I also like to do various mind sports like puzzles, games on my tablet and I like to watch horror movies. From January 2019 I own an oceangreen Easy Rider tricycle. On my bike are a walker holder preparation and rearview mirror (on the left).
Reason to purchase a tricycle
The reason that I have my Easy Rider trike is that I have been unstable on my regular bike with two wheels for years and this seems to get worse every year. Because of my instability, I eventually only cycled when it was really necessary. Because I only had a company car, without no additional (tax) liability, I depend on my bike. Especially now that I hardly can drive a car anymore.
Previously I always cycled on a regular bike with two wheels, a 26-inch version because otherwise I can't reach the ground with my feet. And the chance of falling over when getting on and off the bike would be very high.
Now that I have my tricycle, I want to keep it forever. I have my freedom back!
Sandra KranenburgExperience with a tricycle
Now that I have my tricycle, I want to keep it forever. I have my freedom back! My bicycle also has pedal support, which makes it possible for me to cycle longer distances.
The most important thing about my tricycle is the stability, but also the sitting position is very nice. In addition, I also have a lot of support of the electric motor. I mainly use my bike on asphalted and paved roads, I cycle in and around my village. If the weather gets better, I hope to cycle more.
Introduction to Van Raam
I have a friend who has had a Van Raam tricycle through the WMO (Social Support Act) for years. When I started looking for alternatives to my regular bicycle, I checked your Van Raam website. In addition, on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018 my physiotherapy practice Bakker en de Vos organized a cycling test day together with Van Raam.
The advantage of this bike test day was that I could try out all bike models in Nieuwkoop. And this all happened under the guidance of my physiotherapist and your technical advisor Stefan. Stefan has helped me very well! After testing several bicycle models, it turned out that the Easy Rider tricycle is the most suitable for me.
Purchasing a special needs trike
When I knew which special needs bike was most suitable for me, I applied for the bicycle via the WMO (Social Support Counter) counter with the help of the occupational therapist from Bakker and de Vos. The bike was then delivered to my home via the Van Raam dealer Meyra Zoeterwoude. At that time, I submitted the application to the municipality in October and my bicycle was delivered on 24 January 2019. So, I had to wait a bit before I was able to cycle again, but from my experience that is simply how it goes through the WMO.
The contact with Meyra is going well. However, the walker holder bracket and mirror were missing during the delivery, otherwise everything went fine. The walker holder preparation and mirror have been mounted later.
Van Raam e-bike app
Through the Van Raam website I already knew about the existence of the Van Raam E-Bike app and I sometimes use it for longer bicycle rides.* But I have now installed a speedometer because I find that easier. Then I don't have to start the app every time.
Now it is true that when I am with my bike, I first have to start the app and it then connects. I also have to reconnect to the app every time the electric motor has been switched off. It would be nice if the app automatically connects to the bike as soon as I get to my bike.
*With the Van Raam app, you can set a different support mode on your Van Raam bike.
Nice and handy bike
When I go out with my Easy Rider tricycle, I regularly receive comments that I have a nice and handy bike. That is always nice to hear!
Sandra Kranenburg
Model:Â Easy Rider