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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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Customer experience Easy Rider trike bike - Linda Nanning

After years of ignoring symptoms, Linda can no longer avoid it; she has to go to the doctor. A referral to the neurologist and various tests follow, the result: a muscle disease. Her life is completely turned upside down and she is confronted with her limitations. After 10 years of not cycling because of a lot of pain, her physiotherapist has an idea: half an hour cycling on the Easy Rider trike bike. Linda does not want to and is skeptical, but tries anyway. Read the story of Linda Nanning here.

My life turned upside down
"I'm Linda and I'm 40 years old. Together with my husband, 2 children and dog I live in Dongen, the Netherlands. My hobbies are making fun trips with my family, walking (which is more difficult) and since recently cycling. In October 2020 I was told that I have a muscle disease. My life was completely turned upside down for a while. I had been ignoring all kinds of symptoms for years and hobbled on until I came to a point where I could no longer escape the fact that something wasn't right.
Via the family doctor I was quickly referred to the neurologist and there I had (and still have) many examinations. After the muscle biopsy it was clear that I have a muscle disease. I was referred to the rehab center because I had developed my own ways after years of ignoring the symptoms. At the rehab center, I went through an 18-week course and was very confronted with the limitations I have, which I wasn't even aware of before."
My physiotherapist scheduled half an hour of cycling and there was the Easy Rider adult trike bicycle. My first reaction was: I'm not going on that! She said: "Yes, we're just going to try."
Linda NanningNot cycling for 10 years
"After a while the physiotherapist asked how cycling was going. I said that I didn't cycle for 10 years because my legs hurt a lot after 50 meters and also my back and my tailbone hurt for days after cycling 2 km. Then it was quiet, she looked at me and said: "I think I have a solution for that." I was very skeptical because after a 10-minute bike ride I always came off my bike like a wreck. I had to lay the bike flat on the ground to get my leg back over it.
My physiotherapist scheduled half an hour of cycling for me and there was the Easy Rider adult trike bicycle. My first reaction was: I'm not going on that! She said: "Yes, we're just going to try." And after 5 minutes I was beaming on the bike. No pain in my legs, back or tailbone. I was as happy as a little child! I felt that I could do errands again by bike and go for a ride with the kids. So after a test ride, we made a Wmo application and it was happily approved!"
Back on the bike regularly
"After 6 weeks of waiting, the Easy Rider trike bike was mine. I'm super happy with it, a world has opened up for me. I always did a lot by car and walked regularly, but when I do I have to take into account what I have to do the rest of the day because of limited energy. I can cycle well without it taking much energy thanks to the pedal assistance and because I don't get physically hurt. Last week I had a rear-view mirror installed on the Easy Rider because my daughter often rides behind me and I can then see her. I also like it when I have to turn the trike. Furthermore, I have a basket mounted on the back to take some stuff with me.
Meanwhile I have the Easy Rider 6 weeks and I cycle an average of about 60 km per week. I do small errands, cycle around the block so I keep using my leg muscles and I let the dog out daily. He loves to run next to the bike. This goes very well despite the 3 wheels. I also take the children to school and pick them up again by bike. The first time, the children were a bit nervous. It was new to them because we never cycle together. In the evening, our son said: "Mom, I was quite curious what my friends would say, but I don't care because I'm just super proud of you that you can now ride a bike. We went out for ice cream as a family that night, all together on our bikes! My husband always has to laugh when I ride the bike. I ask him if he is laughing at me because sometimes I feel a bit insecure because you stand out with such a bike, but he says, "No, honey, I'm glad to see you enjoying a bike ride. Bizarre that this wasn't possible for so long."

Pleasant about the Easy Rider
"I find the starting aid very pleasant because of my limited muscle strength. You cycle away without immediately making a big effort. The pedal assistance is very nice. If I'm tired I put the assistance higher and it takes less strength to cycle. What I like about the seat is that it's pleasant for my back, it supports my torso and relieves my tailbone. What I have to get used to is braking for a turn, but I never experience problems with the Easy Rider trike bike. I also use the Van Raam E-Bike App, so I can keep track of speed and distance.* I give the Easy Rider adult trike bicycle a 10++"
*This was possible with the old app, the app has since been updated, allowing users to view bike information and switch support modes within the app.
Linda Nanning - Dongen, the Netherlands
Bike: Easy Rider adult trike bicycle

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