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Customer experience Easy Rider 3 wheel trike - Charlotte

Customer experience Easy Rider 3 wheel trike Van Raam Charlotte Dona Avatar
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In her personal story, Charlotte Dona shares how, despite her diagnosis of HSP (Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis), she rediscovered her passion for cycling with the help of the Easy Rider 3 wheel trike. With modifications such as pedal assistance and foot fixation, she enjoys cycling again and looks hopefully towards the future.

Easy Rider tricycle
Pedal assist, Mirror, Foot fixation
4 June 2023 purchased
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Being Able to Cycle Again

"My name is Charlotte Dona (23) and I live in Veghel. It was after a long day of internship that I parked my bike in the shed and never got back on it again. My strength decreased, and I couldn't maintain my balance. It just wasn't possible anymore.

I now know that I have the condition Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis (HSP), which causes balance problems, muscle weakness, spasms, and coordination difficulties. The occupational therapist introduced me to tricycles, and it quickly became clear that the Easy Rider three wheel trike from Van Raam had to be the bike for me. At first, I was a bit unsure. It takes some getting used to after a few years to suddenly get back on a bike, but after a few minutes, a proud smile appeared on my face. I was cycling again!"

Customer experience Easy Rider 3 wheel trike Van Raam Charlotte Dona

I thought I couldn't cycle anymore, but the Easy Rider appeared, and within a short time, a huge smile appeared on my face!

Charlotte Dona

Modifications That Work for Me

"To make the Easy Rider three wheel trike work perfectly for me, I have made a few additions to my bike. The most important thing for me is the pedal assistance. The electric version allows me to move outdoors with little effort and go out for a ride. On less good days, I simply increase the assistance.

In addition, I have a mirror on the bike, which allows me to easily look behind me without having to turn around. I also have foot fixation on both pedals. During practice sessions with the occupational therapist, it turned out that my feet didn't stay in place well, and they often slipped off the pedals. So, I was busy trying to keep my feet in place, which took a lot of effort and didn't work. With the foot fixation, I strap my feet to the pedals, and they can't move anymore, wonderful! Now I just have to focus on cycling."

Easy Rider three wheel trike Van Raam customer experience Charlotte Dona

The Future

"In the future, I expect to add a walker or wheelchair holder to my 3 wheel trike. I already use these aids myself, but for now, I mainly use the bike to enjoy cycling for pleasure, and I don't need to take the walker or wheelchair with me yet."

A lot like Lot

Charlotte has her own blog where she writes about everything she likes and what occupies her mind. She also wrote a blog post about her experiences with the Easy Rider (in Dutch). Read about it at

Charlotte Dona – Veghel, the Netherlands
Bike: Easy Rider three wheel trike

Pros & cons
  • Cycling without strain on the back neck and shoulders
  • Easy to get on due to low step-through
  • Trike is incredibly maneuverable
  • Various pedal assistance levels
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