Theoretical strength calculation from the bicycle frame are made with Solid Works Simulation. With the bicycle test bench, the frames are actually tested in practice.
Endurance tests will be held with complete Van Raam bicycles, to test the strength of the steel frame (and the parts who are attached to it) and bring out the weak points.
Endurance test wheelchair transportbike VeloPlus
In the video below you will see the bicycle test bench from Van Raam in practice. The VeloPlus wheelchair transportbike is standing on the test bench with in total 270 kg of weight (140 kg in front on the place of the wheelchair, 110 kg on the place of the driver and 20 kg on the luggage carrier). The goal of the test is to decide/control the maximum load of this wheelchair bike.
During the endurance test, which will take 125 hours, the wheelchair bike rides on the test bench a distance from 1.000 km with a speed of 8 km per hours.
During the test, performs Gebby, if necessary, small repairs like replacing a flat tire and updates the test report. After the endurance test, he analyzes the whole frame of the bike to see if there are some defects. When this happens, there will be some adjustments to the frame done to improve this type of bicycle.