tricycle disabled


Second Van Raam tricycle for disabled 4 years old Luca

Bikes \ Tricycles
Van Raam
tricycle disabled

Luca Frenzel from Germany has recently received his second Van Raam tricycle.

When Luca was two and a half years old, he got a Viki tricycle. Luca is half sided paralyzed, but due to his fanatical training on the Viki he now switches to the Easy Rider Small with 8 speeds.

While cycling on the Viki tricycle, he worked out his muscles and was mobile. Our dealer Dörte Krampitz of RRC Reharad from Germany (Fraureuth / Sachsen), delivered the bike in Luca's living room because it is such a special bike for Luca.

Luca on his Easy Rider Small tricycle
Viki driewieler Van Raam
Luca on his Viki T bike
Tricycle children Easy Rider Compact Small Van Raam

Easy Rider Small no longer available

The Easy Rider Small is no longer available. Instead, there is the Easy Rider Compact Small for children. This compact tricycle offers the same stability and safety, but with improved maneuverability and comfort.

View Easy Rider Compact Small

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Van Raam