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Customer experience VeloPlus electric wheelchair bike - Angelica Malinverni

customer experience veloplus electric wheelchair bike angelica malinverni
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My name is Angelica Malinverni (49), I come from Italy and I’m the mom of Caterina (24) who has a disability since she was born. We recently purchased the VeloPlus electric wheelchair bike and it has changed our lives! Read more about our experiences here and watch the video of Caterina and the VeloPlus.

VeloPlus wheelchair bike
Mirror, Panniers
Remoove SRL
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  • Van Raam VeloPlus electric wheelchair bike Italy
  • Malinverni review electric wheelchair bike Van Raam VeloPlus
  • Electric wheelchair bike customer experience Malinverni
  • Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bike Malinverni review
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Time for a new bike

We like to spend our free time outside, going through the country and rice fields where we live. When Caterina was younger we made our own bike to transport her, we then welded a wheelchair to a bike ourselves. Now Caterina is older and bigger we needed another bicycle to carry her and her wheelchair. We know Van Raam through dealer Remoove in Italy. I paid for the VeloPlus electric wheelchair bike myself, with the help of a charity fundraising during an Ultra Trail Marathon. We have had the bike for 2 months now.

Caterina customer experience  VeloPlus

Safe cycling without getting tired

We use the bike to do fun things. We cycle at least 5 kilometers every day. The positive points about the VeloPlus are that I can cycle safely with Caterina, without getting tired.

I remember the arrival of the bike and our first ride very well, that was our Christmas gift!

Angelica Malinverni

Video of Caterina and the VeloPlus

Check out the fun video of Caterina and the VeloPlus below. This is what happens when I ride the bike with Caterina!

Options with the VeloPlus electric wheelchair bike

During the bike rides I also use the Van Raam App, mainly the check the battery and keep track of the kilometers. As additional options, we have mirrors and panniers on the VeloPlus.

Van Raam, thank you!

We love our new electric wheelchair bike. I want to thank Van Raam for changing our lives. Free riding just like wings of freedom!
Angelica Malinverni – Italy
Model: VeloPlus electric wheelchair bike

VeloPlus electric wheelchair bike Caterina
Caterina with the VeloPlus
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