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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
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User experience OPair Wheelchair Trike – Adam Pyle

Adam Pyle is 25 years old and has profound Physical and Learning Disabilities. Together with his mum Kate and his dad Graham, he lives in England. In January 2020 they received the OPair Wheelchair Trike. Kate tells us more about Adam and why they bought the OPair Trike.

Happy and healthy young man
Kate: “Adam is a wheelchair user; he is a very happy placid and healthy young man. He likes sensory activities such as music, lights and visiting Snoezelen Rooms (rooms which are specially designed to deliver stimuli to various senses) and he likes any form of movement.”
Reason for purchasing a Special Needs Trike
“Recently we bought a wheelchair accessible motorhome to travel with. On campsites we like to be able to cycle as a family, especially at country side campsites where there is no transport to get about. We have a Special Needs Fizz Trike which Adam peddles with the help of a parent pole to help him steer, but Adam is getting bigger, and we have to lift him on to it. So we wanted to find a suitable Trike to take Adam out when we travel with our motorhome.”
Orientating on and purchasing a suitable Trike for Adam
“We went online and came across the company Get Cycling in Yorkshire where we could try out some Trikes, so off we went. They were very helpful and let us try out their OPair Van Raam Wheelchair Trike which was ideal for Adams needs. On our way home I received a newsletter from Tomcat Gloucester whom we’ve bought two other Trikes from, saying they actually sell the OPair Van Raam Wheelchair Trike. We were very delighted and made an appointment the next day to have an assessment at their unit. We know the CEO of Tomcat for many years and their service is excellent. The staff are wonderful, helpful and totally understanding of our needs. We had a demonstration on the OPair Trike with Adam present to fit out any supportive straps and footplates. They gave us all the time we needed, and so we placed an order. The website of Van Raam and the Tomcat staff gave us everything we needed to construct our Trike.”
Special options and receiving the OPair Wheelchair Trike
“We ordered the Trike with a 5-points safety belt and foot fixation left and right. Our battery type is standard. Three months after the demonstration we received the OPair Trike. We picked up the OPair Trike in our motorhome as Tomcat Gloucester is only a short drive from our home. Having the Trike we will be able to get out and about as we have the divisible frame, so we can get Adam into the shops with the front wheelchair section.”

The OPair Wheelchair Trike is an amazing piece of equipment which the three of us will immensely enjoy riding Adam around on it.
Kate PyleExperiences OPair Trike
“We haven’t taken Adam out on his OPair Trike at all due to a lot of rain and floods in our area in January 2020. Now we have the Coronavirus and a lockdown in the UK, so we are not allowed to go out of our homes, and we are self-isolating Adam and ourselves. But the OPair Wheelchair Trike is an amazing piece of equipment which the three of us will immensely enjoy riding Adam around on it. The Trike is ideal for Adams needs, and he will love to go out on it when lockdown is lifted."
Tomcat Gloucester has also shared the story of the Pyle family on their Instagram.
Adam Pyle – England
Model: OPair