Customer experiences

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Thea Westra

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Thea Westra
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I have been using an Easy Rider tricycle with seat since November 2017. Because of my illness Multiple Sclerosis (MS)* I can unfortunately no longer ride on a regular two-wheel bike. To be able to cycle as optimally as possible, my Easy Rider tricycle has two foot fixations, a rearview mirror and leg fixation on the left side.

Easy Rider tricycle
Pedal assist, Mirror, Foot fixation, Lower leg fixation, Baskets
1 August 2017 purchased
Configure your bike

Cycling on an Easy Rider tricycle for adults

Until now, I like Easy Rider tricycle a lot. The bike feels very comfortable and strong for me. In the beginning, the pedal support did not work optimally, but this has now been fixed.

With my bike I can do my things independently. For example, I go to the store on the tricycle, visit my acquaintances and use my bicycle for recreational use. I try to cycle for at least half an hour every day. During my cycling trips I mainly cycle on paved roads, this is fine.

Tricycle Easy Rider Van Raam User experience Thea Westra

Through the internet I searched information about the possibilities of tricycles. During this search I ended on the Van Raam website. Here I found all the information I needed.

Thea Westra

Introduction to Van Raam

Through the internet I searched information about the possibilities of tricycles. During this search I ended on the Van Raam website. Here I found all the information I needed.

Ordering a special needs bike

When I had found the right information, I then contacted Hulpmiddelen Centrum Burgum. At the Hulpmiddelen Centrum (centre where you can get physical aids) I had the opportunity to try out several bikes. After the test drive, I concluded that the Easy Rider tricycle suited me best.

Then I also ordered my bicycle at Hulpmiddelen Centrum Burgum. The contact with HMC Burgum is going well. I ordered my bike in August 2017 and the bike was delivered in November 2017. The service around the bike went well.

Van Raam bicycle app

I have heard about the possibilities of the Van Raam bicycle app through Hulpmiddelen Centrum Burgum. Although I use the app while cycling, it is not convenient that your cycling data disappears if you close the app. For example, you can no longer see which distance you have cycled and your average speed. It would be nice if the data from the previous bike tour stay in the app.**

Points of interest for the Easy Rider tricycle

Although I like my Easy Rider, there are some points of interest. The bicycle lock is not in a convenient place. *** Because the bike is quite long, I can’t reach the lock if I placed my tricycle in a bicycle stand. In addition, it’s a shame that I can’t control the lights on my tricycle with the control panel on the steering panel.**** Especially when you have difficulty walking, it is difficult to turn on the front and rear light.

Being able to keep cycling

I have already had a lot of fun with my Easy Rider tricycle. I am therefore very happy that I am able to keep cycling, despite my illness MS.

 Thea Westra - Stiens
Model: Easy Rider

Additional explanation and remarks

*: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the protective and insulating layer around the nerves in the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves (the central nervous system) is damaged. As a result, you can have problems with walking, feeling and seeing.

**: When you use the Van Raam bicycle app, you can set a different support mode on your Van Raam bike.

***: To make the use of the bicycle lock easier, there is the option of a single-handed lock. You can lock this lock with one hand, so you can use your other hand to for example, support yourself. This option can be ordered through your dealer at Van Raam.

****:During the configuration of your bike, you can choose to run the lightning on your bike via the electrical system of your bike. This option is called 'Lightning over electro system (front & backside)'.

Pros & cons
  • Comfortable
  • Strong
  • Good service
  • Lock placement
  • Lights cannot be operated from control panel
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