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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
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Customer experience Easy Rider electric tricycle - Johan Teunissen

Sander Teunissen (Johan's youngest son) sent Van Raam an e-mail. Johan (72) has an Easy Rider 2 electric tricycle. Cycling is his favourite hobby; in less than a year he has cycled 10,000 km. The Easy Rider tricycle has brought him many positive things. Van Raam contacted Johan.
Reason of purchase
Johan: "I have a handicap. The left side of my body is shorter than the right side and I wanted a bike where I can reach the ground with both feet. Years ago I once visited Van Raam in the old building, at the Aaltenseweg. I then tried the Easy Rider and that went perfectly. But the problem at that moment was that I couldn't park the bike inside at home. Because of the width of the Easy Rider tricycle, I couldn't pass the bus on the driveway.
In 2019 my wife passed away. I don't have a driver's license myself, so I tied the knot to purchase Van Raam's Easy Rider. The electric tricycle gives me so much of freedom. I'm mobile again and I do'nt regret it for one moment."
Test ride on the bicycle test track at Van Raam
"I went for another test ride at Van Raam, but this time in the new building. The explanation was clear and I was allowed to test the tricycle with pedal assistance on the bike test track. I remember it well with those traffic obstacles. That is a very good system. I would definitely go to Van Raam again!"
Purchase and delivery
"After I knew which bike and options I wanted on the bike, I went to Van Raam dealer Lukassen in Wehl. I've been going to Lukassen for years and I really like it. Even if there's something wrong with the bike. I have not waited long for the Easy Rider. It all went very smoothly. I picked up the Easy Rider and could immediately try it out by cycling home. That was a bit different than the bike test track at Van Raam."
The Easy Rider is very comfortable, it's like a Harley-Davidson!
Johan TeunissenMore than 10,000 km on the counter
"I opted for a mirror and pedal assistance. I also have a heavier battery now, a 36 Volt battery. I cycle reasonable distances, for example to acquaintances or family, to do some shopping or for cycle routes. I'm also a member of a senior citizens cycling club. That makes the kilometers tick. In addition, I have plans to cycle to Terschelling next summer, but then it has to be different with the corona conditions. Then I would like to sit on a terrace.
The Easy Rider tricycle with pedal support is a godsend for me. An electric tricycle takes some getting used to, you should not cycle too fast through the turn. I occasionally have some small problems, but everything is neatly resolved. I have already cycled 10,000 km! Furthermore, only praise for the Easy Rider. I can put the bike inside and do not have to remove the battery at all. That is ideal. People sometimes look surprised when they see that I can cycle backwards with the reverse function. The Easy Rider tricycle with pedal assistance is not nearly as tiring as a regular bike. I am very happy with the bike."
Update November 2022: with the Easy Rider to Terschelling
Johan and Piet are friends of each other and they both have an Easy Rider electric tricycle. They enjoy cycling together and so they decided to go on a cycling trip to Terschelling. Johan and Piet: "We had been planning to cycle together with 2 Easy Riders to Terschelling for a long time. And in August 2022, it was time. It was a fantastic experience with several stopovers: Heerde, Emmeloord, Sneek and with the boat to Harlingen.
We spent a week cycling on Terschelling, where we also met Peter, an employee of Van Raam. Together we had a drink on the terrace in West Terschelling, very cosy! After cycling around the island, we got back on the boat to Harlingen and visited Stavoren, after which we eventually cycled back home."
Video: with the Easy Rider to Terschelling
Johan and Piet captured the trip and made a video of it.
Johan Teunissen – Doetinchem (The Netherlands)
Model: Easy Rider 2 tricycle