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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
About Van Raam
Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
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Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle – Jeanne van Engelen

Jeanne has a deformity in her feet, causing her ankles not to be strong enough for a regular e-bike. Since February 2024, she has been using a Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle, allowing her to finally feel the sun and wind on her head again!
Who am I?
"I am Jeanne van Engelen, 68 years old. I live with my husband (whom I have been together with since 1984) in Arnhem, the Netherlands. My profession is Social Psychiatric Nurse, and in 2017, after 44 years of working, I retired. Due to a deformity in my feet, I purchased the Easy Rider tricycle. I wear orthopaedic shoes, and my ankles were not sturdy enough for cycling on a regular e-bike. Getting on and off became particularly cumbersome. I noticed that once I was on the saddle, cycling was fine. But I began choosing routes through the city where I had to dismount as little as possible, which eventually became unsustainable."
Finally back outside!
"Since mid-February 2024, I've had the Easy Rider tricycle from Van Raam. I'm finally back outside! After almost eight months of making almost all trips by car, I can feel the sun and wind on my head again! I now ride my bike for all trips shorter than about 10 kilometers. On average, I cycle about 25 kilometers per week. In total, I've cycled about 250 kilometers on my Easy Rider.
I walk with a cane and longer distances with a rollator. That's why I have a double stick holder on my tricycle. In terms of options, I also have a set of SmartGuard tires, a mirror, and electric pedal assist. Additionally, I opted for a red Easy Rider!"
The test ride was accompanied by one of the Van Raam employees, who made it very enjoyable!
Jeanne van Engelen"The most important aspect of my tricycle is the different method of getting on and off. Another noticeable difference is that people in traffic seem to behave more courteously compared to when I was riding a regular two-wheeler. One downside is that parking isn't always easy. Additionally, I unfortunately can't adjust the handlebars lower. I also had to get used to the bike, but thankfully, this was sorted out after about two weeks.
Two memorable moments with the Easy Rider have stayed with me. A friend I had a meeting with at a restaurant said, 'I parked my bike next to your chariot!'. And friends who watched me ride away commented, 'Looks quite flashy with that red!'."

The acquisition process
"I came across Van Raam because one of my friends with Parkinson's bought a Van Raam bike. I then consulted the Van Raam website and subsequently took a test ride in Varsseveld, the Netherlands. This was accompanied by one of the Van Raam employees, which made it very enjoyable! After this test ride, I was completely convinced. The concept of receiving a quote and purchasing the tricycle through your own bicycle dealer is clever. After all, I've been going to Reerink Rijwielen in Westervoort for years. I give the Easy Rider tricycle a 10+ (or can I not add the '+'?)!"
Jeanne van Engelen – Arnhem, the Netherlands
Bike: Easy Rider tricycle

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