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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
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Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Ciska Oudenaarden

Cisca has Crohn's disease, a stoma, and rheumatism, which causes her a lot of pain and limitations. Sitting on a regular bicycle saddle was too painful, so Cisca now cycles with an Easy Rider tricycle with seat from Van Raam. Read her story here.

When cycling becomes difficult
Cisca has had Crohn's disease for 30 years, a stoma for 8 years, and rheumatism for 20 years. Due to the rheumatism, Cisca cannot use her shoulders and hands as well. After a rectum operation, Cisca has severe nerve pain in her buttocks, which makes it difficult for her to sit properly. Cycling was also difficult because sitting on a bicycle saddle was too painful. She tried different bicycle saddles, but none of them provided any improvement. Eventually, an occupational therapist advised her to try a recumbent tricycle. In an interview with the Dutch association for Crohn's disease and Colitis (Crohn & Colitis NL), Cisca tells her story, which can be partially read in this customer experience.
Occupational therapy and a tricycle with seat
"When you think of Crohn's disease, many people don't immediately make the link with a tricycle. Just like the link with occupational therapy. That's why I want to tell my story, to make people aware of occupational therapy. It's a lifesaver for me. The occupational therapist came to my home to find a solution so that I could sit more comfortably and advised me on some aids. She advised me to try a tricycle because you have a different cycling position on such a bike. My advice to others who are struggling in their daily activities or want advice on their posture: seek help from an occupational therapist. Because all improvements, no matter how small, matter."
I don't cycle as far as I used to, but when I want to cycle, I can. And that's worth a lot.
Cisca OudenaardenCycling again thanks to the Easy Rider tricycle
"Of course, switching to the Easy Rider recumbent tricycle was a big step. People look at it differently. I found that quite daunting. Martijn from in Putten really helped us out. He immediately saw that I am a cycling enthusiast and then came up with the black Easy Rider tricycle from Van Raam. I was surprised, but it was also exciting. I sat down, took off the brake, and the rest is history. I get a lot of compliments from people: 'what a cool bike you have!'
Now I can cycle again with my husband. That means so much to me. My husband supported me enormously in thinking of solutions, just like the occupational therapist. Cycling is really a hobby of mine. After my operation, I couldn't do it anymore because of the severe pain in my buttocks. I don't cycle as far as I used to, but when I want to cycle, I can. And that's worth a lot. Soon, my sadness gave way to joy and fun."
Cisca Oudenaarden – Leusden
Type: Easy Rider tricycle