Tandem of duo bike?
Hilary and Steven were cycling on the dykes and saw two men on a duo bike heading towards them at full speed. Although these duo bikes are appearing more often on the cycle paths, she would never had the chance to see one close-up, at least not in action.
A year ago Hilary posted a photo of a ‘bike for two’. “At that time I had no idea what it was – a tandem or a duo bike?” In fact, the bike is known under several names: side by side tandem, companion cycle, double rider cycle, three-wheel tandem and duo bike. She decides to call the cycle a duo bike.
Having decided on what to call the bike, the next questions was: “What’s the point of the duo bike? Why turn what are effectively two bikes next to each other into a bulky tricycle”. She was going to find out really soon, as the duo shared their story. On the photo below you see the two friends on their double rider cycle.