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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
About Van Raam
Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
Our bikes
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle – Yasmin

My name is Yasmin (29) and I had a heart failure in February 2017. After this I wanted to get back to normal too quickly and I asked too much of myself, which made my 'limitations' worse, the left side of my body is less functional, and I suffer a lot from fatigue. With the Easy Rider tricycle, I enjoy cycling again and feel safe in traffic again.

Reason for purchasing a custom bike
"Since my heart failure, I can't do more than one thing at a time. I used to cycle on a two-wheeler and even learned to cycle again at the physio in Klimmendaal, but cycling wasn't fun for me anymore; I suffer a lot from my tiredness and it asked too much of me. Normal cycling was no longer an option as I had to pay attention to several things at the same time: the cycling itself, trying to keep the bike stable, looking around me and indicating direction. All those actions at the same time I find difficult. In general I can cycle on a two-wheeler, but then I would have to stop every few seconds. I used to go cycling to 'practice', but always with someone there to keep an eye on me for safety reasons. I also wore a helmet while cycling.
My mother finally came up with the idea of trying a modified bike. She thinks solution-focused which is very nice, because sometimes you can't do that for yourself or you're not ready for it. My neighbours work for Van Raam and I went to them for more information. I also consulted the website of Van Raam."
Test ride at Van Raam
"I've been to Van Raam's location twice for a test ride. The first time I also tried the Easy Rider tricycle, but I didn't feel very comfortable on a bike that has a seat with back support. I needed some time to get used to it. When I came for a test ride the second time and tried the Easy Rider I suddenly experienced so much freedom! Then I realized that this bike would be much more suitable for me. Afterwards I am very happy with the seat and backrest on my bike.
At the second test ride I was helped by Nico. He is a very nice man and I can only be positive about him. Nico was very patient and calm in explaining possibilities and mentioned all the differences he noticed about how I 'functioned' on the different bikes I tested."
When I came for a test ride the second time and tried the Easy Rider I suddenly experienced so much freedom! Then I realized that this bike would be much more suitable for me.
YasminPurchase and delivery of Easy Rider tricycle
After my choice for the Easy Rider tricycle was made, my Wmo consultant made an application. Initially she wanted me to order a bike of another brand, but this took too long with the delivery time and so I got my way with a Van Raam bike. In the end I didn't have to do anything to order the bike, my consultant arranged all that. She ordered the bike from Medipoint and it was also delivered by them. The delivery and the explanation were clear and I was also helped well. At first the information didn't function completely, there was something wrong with the wiring, but Medipoint solved that.

Advantages Easy Rider tricycle
I really like the Easy Rider! Especially the independent cycling I like very much, cycling as I can now is liberating. It may sound a bit exaggerated, but that's how it feels to me. I've had the bike since November 2019 and due to the weather, I couldn't cycle all the time, but I try as much as I can. It still takes some getting used to and people look at me because I am a young girl. When I just cycle somewhere, they suddenly say hello, that wasn't the case before.
I use the bike for all kinds of things: shopping, going to visit or a nice block around my bike (walking is not possible because of my stability), I use the bike for all kinds of things. In terms of time I sometimes don't succeed, not because I cycle slowly, but with everything I do I have to take my rest afterwards. So, if I want to do something fast, I can't always do it by bike, but that is more up to me.
Luckily, I don't need many options so far. I do have a hydraulic brake, so that when the force in the left side of my body decreases, it can be transferred. There is also a USB port at the front lamp, which I can use to charge my mobile phone for example. I haven't used it yet, but it's very nice that it's there. I'm going to use it in the summer!
Yasmin – Municipality Doetinchem
Type: Easy Rider