Discover our range of products
Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
About Van Raam
Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
Our bikes
Customer experience Easy Rider Compact tricycle - Annemieke

Annemieke has polyarthrosis, scoliosis, and two knee prostheses. As a result, she doesn't have enough strength to ride a standard bicycle. Thanks to the Easy Rider Compact tricycle bike, she can enjoy moving outdoors again. Read more about her experience here.
Introducing myself
"I am Annemieke, 68 years old, residing in a delightful apartment with a spacious garden in a beautiful new neighbourhood. I spend a lot of time babysitting my grandchildren, and our favourite pastime is crafting together. I am also a music enthusiast and sing in multiple choirs.
I have polyarthritis and scoliosis, and I've undergone two knee replacement surgeries. As a result, I lost the strength needed to ride a standard two-wheeled bicycle. Additionally, I had developed a significant fear of falling off the bike."
Enjoyable movement
"Since I got the Easy Rider Compact tricycle bike, I can once again enjoy moving in the open air. I no longer have to rely on the car for everything! I am very happy with my bike. I mainly use my Easy Rider Compact for daily activities like shopping and visits.
I find that the tricycle bike rides wonderfully light, and it's very manoeuvrable. Playing with the pedal assistance, and you cycle as if you've never done anything else! The only downside for me is that I struggle to press the button on the battery, making it difficult for me to remove the battery.
I am proud of my bike; I went to the store, and there was a couple there, the woman had an Easy Rider 2. We chatted for a bit, and the man spontaneously exclaimed, 'Oh, you have such a beautiful new one!'"
The purchase
"I discovered Van Raam through Google. At first, I briefly had a new Easy Rider, but it didn't suit me well. On the website, I saw that a new version was coming out; the Easy Rider Compact. So, I traded in the Easy Rider for the Easy Rider Compact!
I ended up going to Van Raam twice for a test ride, and I was helped very well and pleasantly! I am completely satisfied with the service from Van Raam.
My tricycle bike was ordered through a Van Raam dealer, the Mobiliteitsplein, in The Hague. The service was excellent, and there were friendly and knowledgeable men present! In the end, I had to wait for my bike for 16 weeks, but it was delivered to my home on the same day! I give the Easy Rider Compact a 9!"
Annemieke – the Netherlands
Bike: Easy Rider Compact tricycle bike