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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
About Van Raam
Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
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Customer Experience Balance low step ebike – Mingeroet

Martine has a knee prosthesis with scar tissue in between, which prevents her from bending her knee properly. On a traditional bike, her foot kept slipping off the pedal, which made it impossible for her to cycle. Now that she has the Balance low step ebike, she feels safe on her bike again! Read Martine's story here.
"My name is Martine, I am 68 years old and married to Paul. We have a son, a granddaughter and a bonus grandson. A few years ago I retired, before that I was always a kindergarten teacher. I live in Schoten, a municipality in the Voorkempen near Antwerp. Together with a friend I go to the gym every week, and I like cycling, knitting and crocheting. We like to travel, both nearby and further away.
I have a knee prosthesis but unfortunately there is scar tissue between the prosthesis which prevents me from bending my knee properly. Because my foot kept slipping off the pedal, I could no longer cycle on a traditional bicycle. I used to cycle on a traditional e-bike.”
I am VERY satisfied and everything went as planned, great service.
Martine MingeroetOrientation and purchasing
"I ended up at Van Raam via ‘Goed thuiszorgwinkel’ because they had Van Raam bicycles in the showroom. I visited the website of Van Raam and sent an e-mail for more information. I then made an appointment to visit the showroom in Varsseveld. We were pleasantly surprised by the excellent welcome. The bike was completely adjusted to my size and needs and I made a test ride on the bike test track at Van Raam. I am VERY satisfied and everything went as planned, great service. The bike was delivered to the ‘thuiszorgwinkel’ on the agreed date.
At the beginning of February 2022, my bicycle, the Balance low step ebike, was delivered by ‘Goed thuiszorgwinkel’ in Belgium. I paid for the bicycle myself. In terms of options, I have a custom-made eccentric crank on the right. I also have SmartGuard tyres, an speedometer and pedal support."
Being able to cycle again after 3 years was quite a revelation and it was also emotional.
Martine MingeroetBicycle rides on the Balance low step ebike
"I am still a little unsure because of my balance, but I make short cycle trips of up to 30 kilometres when the weather is good. The intention is to take the bike with us in the car and then make larger trips in the Netherlands. I feel safe on the bike when I have to brake because I can put my feet directly on the ground. The extra pedal support makes it easier to start off on the bike, which I also consider to be a plus. Being able to cycle again after 3 years was quite a revelation and it was also emotional. I give the Balance low step ebike a 9.”
Martine Mingeroet – Schoten, Belgium
Bicycle: Balance low step ebike

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