Customer experiences

Customer experience City walking bike - Elín Arna Heimisdóttir

Customer experience City walking bike - Heimisdóttir
10 / 10

Elín Arna Heimisdóttir: “I can’t stand still for a long time, nor walk around with pain. The City walking bike is a really good helping aid and gives me freedom and support to walk around both inside and outside.”

City Walking aid
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Van Raam City walking bike Heimisdottir
Customer experience City walking bike Van Raam Heimisdottir

Let’s introduce myself

“My name is Elín Arna. I’m 46 years old, from Iceland and I live in Denmark with my 3 teenagers. I used to love going for a walk or run, and ride my bicycle. 2,5 years ago I hurt my knee due to a car accident and now I have a knee injury. Unfortunately I’m not able to walk without pain or ride a traditional bike, and even driving a car is difficult for me. I’ve been using crutches but I’m not able to walk long distances. So my life has been really hard and challenging the last 2,5 years. And I spent a lot of time sitting on the couch.”

Looking for a helping aid

“I’ve been looking for something to replace my crutches, something that could give me a little bit of my freedom back. I found the City walking bike on a website in Denmark and I’m in love! I got a test ride from the shop I bought it, Jørn Iversen, and got to try the bike for 5 days. I have found what I was looking for and I’m very satisfied with the overall service. I bought the walking bike, waited 2 weeks and they came here to my home to bring the bike. I have the City walking bike for 3 months now.”

Walking bike City Van Raam review Heimisdottir

The freedom it gives me now is indescribable!

Elín Arna Heimisdóttir

Using the walking aid everywhere

“Now I can walk to the store and buy groceries without help. And I can take a walk outside without hurting my knee. I also use the walking bike at my work, inside when I have to go to our printer or get coffee. Or at home, in my garden, to take out the garbage, to take a walk, to go shopping. I can use it everywhere. Here in Denmark I get a lot of questions from people. And often I have to explain that it is a helping aid. I wasn’t walking at all before because I had to use a wheelchair or my crutches. But the freedom it gives me now is indescribable!

The walking aid is small and has a really good size. And it’s so easy to use inside a house and also easy to fit in a car. The City walking bike is just a fantastic bike. I give it a big 10!”

Elín Arna Heimisdóttir – Denmark
Bike: City walking bike

Walking aid City Van Raam Heimisdottir
Pros & cons
  • Freedom
  • Support
  • Pleasant size
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