Customer experiences

Customer experience three wheel bike Easy Rider - Breedijk

Customer experience three wheel bike Easy Rider - Breedijk
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Hanneke Breedijk has a Van Raam Easy Rider three wheel bike. Read more about her experiences with the Easy Rider in this customer experience.

Easy Rider tricycle
Pedal assist
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Cycling with my Easy Rider

"The three wheel bike Easy Rider is a great sporty bike for adults and I am very happy with it. Everyone I meet on the road has a smile and that's very nice. It is very easy to cycle with the bike and it is very stable, I can go over the narrowest paths without any problem. In places where there are no cycle paths, cars keep an eye out for me.

The service is once a year; I haven't had my bike that long, so I don't have any experience with that. The bike will be picked up and brought home by the Van Raam dealer according to the agreement."

customer experience van raam three wheel bike easy rider hanneke breedijk

Everyone I meet on the road has a smile and that's very nice.

Hanneke Breedijk

Options on my three wheel bike

"I am very happy with the battery. After 3 hours of cycling there is still 1 bar at the battery status indication. It is difficult to calculate how many kilometres I have ridden by then [for this you can use the Van Raam E-Bike App. It would be nice to be able to plan a trip using the kilometres. The battery for pedal support also charges quickly.

Spike, a little Jack Russell, sits on the back of the three wheel bike (see photo) and enjoys it. Unfortunately, I cannot take any groceries with me. An extra basket would be nice."

I always rest when I go cycling and it is also a good workout for my leg muscles.

Hanneke Breedijk

Rest and good workout

"What I didn't predict is that the frame of the three wheel bike relieves the shoulders and neck. With a bike with two wheels you must keep your balance, this is not the case with the Easy Rider.

I always rest when I go cycling and it is also a good workout for my leg muscles. It's a big investment, but you get a lot in return."

Hanneke Breedijk-Knape - The Netherlands
Bike: Three wheel bike Easy Rider

Pros & cons
  • Stable
  • Easy to ride
  • Good service
  • Extra basket would be useful
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